माँ कहती है-
बेटा दाढ़ी कटाव ले-
वरना लोग मार डालेंगे-
तुझे मुसलमान समझकर!!
बहन कहती है-
भाई दाढ़ी कटाव ले-
वरना लोग मार डालेंगे-
तुझे सिख समझकर!!
दोस्त कहता है-
भाई दाढ़ी मत कटवाना-
वरना लोग मार डालेंगे-
तुझे हिंदु समझकर!!
मैं पूछता हूँ कि-
क्या दाढ़ी ही करेगी-
मेरी पहचान का फैसला-
यहाँ कोई नही है-
जो मुझे बचायेगा एक इन्सान समझकर !!
Humanity has always chosen it self to be divided. This division occured in many colors, sometime on the name of religion & sometime on the base of skin color.
There is still a wait in the heart of existence of undivided humanity. But it cannot possibly take place without getting rid of all the "ism".
Organized religion being the foremost.
As for me, the more I study religion the more I am convinced that man never worshiped anything but himself. This self-worship has led the humanity to inevitable disaster.
I congratulate you for giving your words the form of poetry. Though, there are much better subjects left other than religion & patriotism to be written poem on.
Altogether, nice blog. Keep posting.
कड़वा सच है यह!
बढ़िया लिखा है!
क्या यह आपने खुद लिखा है , यदि हां तो मैं यह निश्चित तौर पर कह सकता हूं कि आप एक संवेदनशील व्यक्तित्व हैं।
जारी रखें लिखना
hi chaya,
you are great writer,
manviya samvednao ko cheer kar rakh dene wale such ko aapne shabdon mai ukera hai .......
great....... plz....... keep going
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