I really like this movie. Saw a silent, pure n mature love on screen after a long time, which deeply touch the heart. Chemistry between Ash n Ritiwik was prefect. Although movie’s length is long but not bored the audience.
In the case of dispute regarding Jodha, I would like to say that in history it’s clear that Akbar got marry with the princes of Aamer. The name of princes is a reason of dispute between the historians, but no body denial that marriage.There is a popular ‘Kidawanti’ in Rajasthan that in the place of princes one Daasi was placed. But it could not be possible bcoz it cant be hide long from Akbar. As Akbar came to know that, Aamer could not have that much good and faithfull realation with Mugals. Akbar was the first person who start the concept of ‘Sarvdharm Sambhav’. We can find Rajput Raani’s temples in the palace of fatpurshikari. There is one more interesting thing, in Mugal empire mother of Jahangeer & Shahajahan was also a Rajput, and still some people say that they were ‘Videshi’.
Summing- up its good love story. Even one of my frnd comment that Akabar's behavior was like 'Joru ka Gulaam', but i would like to say that if such a pure and innocent love is being one's Gulaam than every human being should someone's Gulaam in his\her life. There is one dialogue in the movie, "Jis dil me mohabbat hai, vo hi jannat hai."
Sorry but you must do justice with the movie while reviewing. You are right, the lenght of the movie is long. When I go to your previous film review labels I find that your views on Jodha Akabar is the shortest one.The dispute relating to Jodha for which this film was not shown in many parts of our country ang gave some people to do politics must be critised. Any way good going and keep it up.
nice movie
for my reaction
plz see
i think manoj ji now you dont hav any comlain.
रात मे देखा तो आपने तब सिर्फ़ चार लाईन्स मे ही निपटा दिया था, अब आपने और बढ़ा दिया है! गुड है!
दर-असल फ़िल्म सेंसर बोर्ड के सदस्य से उम्मीद की ही जा सकती है कि वह एक अच्छी समीक्षा लिखे किसी फिल्म की, अगर लिखे तो!!!!
The Review is good, but a larger level thinking covering all aspects, while reviewing, is expected. Please be careful in your vocabulary, punctuation etc. as these mistakes will not sound good with a person like YOU.
Keep Writing.... Good Luck !!!
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